Father’s Day being right around the corner, we thought it would be fun for the Creative Carpet & Flooring family to share Father’s Day with you!

Father's Day

Alexis Giganti

My dad and I have always been best friends. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world. I love you, daddy! ♡

Father's Day

Brian Berson

Well, I love being a dad. Using the refined skill of learning how to parent from my own parents minus the things that were not so fair or mean coupled with my wife’s own version of the previous statement… Trying to balance the hard life lessons with a likable soft spot is challenging and rewarding. I learn a lot from my kids more than I teach them. My son plays travel baseball, and my daughter is a Team Gymnast, so our lives revolve around them. Creative has been really accommodating to allow me to attend most of the events and games.

I think being present in their life is something my life lacked with my own father as he worked all the time, and even though I appreciated it when he was there, it is nice for me to be able to be there for them. So I feel blessed that I can do what I do with them.

Father's Day

Chris Boerema

I have 1 rule and request for my Father’s Day this year… 0 Frozen. No movie, no songs, no shirts, nothing Frozen or Frozen 2 related. IF that happens, Best Fathers Day ever.

Father's Day

Dawn Churchill

My dad was like someone born in the wrong time or the wrong place. He should have been a cowboy or a mountain man or a pioneer. Although none of those happened, he lived out the simple, strong values which would have been consistent with any of them – hard-working, full of integrity, patriotic, putting his family above his own dreams. Everything I know about being a decent human being, I learned from him and my mom.

Father's Day

Dawn Giganti

My dad has always been by my side, making sure I felt like I mattered and always believed in me. He made me strong and confident, so I could handle the tough times. Even when I feel like I’ve got it, he still in the background… right there through all the ups and downs. I’m profoundly grateful and blessed for BOTH my mom and dad. Their unconditional love made me into the person I am today. I love them so much! Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!

Father's Day

Jake Bouquet

I’ve learned and gleaned a lot from my ole man over my lifetime, through words and by example. From sports to guitar, to the importance of hard work and integrity. He’s been quite an example! I’m not positive of our Father’s Day plans yet, but I’m certain it will most likely be a gathering of everyone at mom and pop’s house with grilling, sunshine, swimming and some gifts being opened!

Father's Day

Lauren Biskup

Back when I was in high school, and up until I had my kids, my dad and I would go fishing on his boat every year on father’s day. Just me and him unless I nagged my mom and brother to come with. My mom hated that boat, and my brother never cared about fishing. Lol! My dad is a tough love kind of guy. He didn’t sugar coat life to me, and that’s probably my favorite thing about my dad. But when we would go fishing, he was just my dad – no tough love, and there was a softer side to him. This year father’s day is also my daughter, Ella’s, 15th birthday. We don’t have plans yet, but I know we’ll do something fun!

Father's Day

Mark Bouquet, Jr.

If my father wasn’t at my baseball games or wrestling match, he had his briefcase out, drawing customer diagrams in the family room. He would be eating dinner while figuring clients measurements out. He would always find a way to do all the things a Dad should do and somehow made it all work! It required him to work around the clock to do it, but as a kid, I never realized how much effort that took to make the business work as it did as well as take care of his family as well.

Father's Day

Mark Costigan

What does my father mean to me? Wow, there’s a question that will take more time and print space than I’m sure I’m allotted here. My biological father passed away when I was young. My “step” FATHER married my mother when I was just a lost 14 year old. The “Step” part was dropped very quickly once he came into our family, and you will learn why as you read on…

He came into a family of a woman with six children that needed much more than just food, clothing and shelter. He came into a family that needed love and a safe place in life. My Father, Luther Watson, gave me a gift I will never be able to repay. He gave me all those things and asked nothing in return. He loved us all like we were his own.

I know of no greater gift anyone can give but to TRULY love someone and give them everything when you owe them nothing. That is what my father gave me. Being 14 yrs old and the oldest male in the household at the time, before he asked my mother to marry him, he first asked me for my permission and blessing. Luther was an old school southern gentleman, and he was teaching me to be a man even before he was my father. He leads by example. He loved my mother beyond measure, and he, quite honestly, NEVER raised his voice in anger. Never! If during my life, I become only 10% of the man he was, I would consider my life a complete success.

Father's Day

Michelle Sierra

When I think of my dad, I think of the hardworking American. I grew up in a rural area about 45 min west of Mokena in an old farmhouse that’s been in my family since 1868! That was about ten years after Abraham Lincoln had his first debate in Ottawa, IL. Growing up, I remember my dad hopping in the tractor to get the soil ready for planting. He is the true definition of a hardworking American farmer that is the heart of our country. The man who gets up at the crack of dawn and doesn’t stop until the sun goes down.

He’s taught me so many things in my years- how to be polite, patient, playing in the dirt is okay, and that being corny is apparently cool. My dad doesn’t express his feelings often, but that’s okay. He shows me he loves me in other ways. Here’s a picture of us from my wedding day. We both cried like little babies!