Searching for Carpeting Near Me
By Brian Berson,
Are you searching for the most reputable carpeting store near you? Knowing which is right for you can take a lot of work with so many options available. A few key factors can help you make an informed decision when choosing the right carpeting store. We will discuss these factors and provide tips on what predatory sales tactics to AVOID when searching for the most suitable local carpeting store for your needs.
Bait and switch.
Investing in high-quality carpeting is always a worthwhile choice to make. Unfortunately, some dealers might take advantage of this and secretly install lower-quality carpets that look the same as the one you purchased. It can be difficult to detect until several months have passed. Over time, you will notice wear patterns, fraying, or other problems with cheap carpeting.
The same is true for carpet padding and hard-surface floors.
A deceptive sales tactic often used by retailers is advertising an extremely low price, then drastically raising it when the “salesperson” comes over to measure your space. They employ intimidating tactics to try and persuade you to buy the product at this higher price. Unfortunately, some dealers engage in deceptive practices by hiring salespeople who excel at manipulating and pressuring customers.
This is why it is critical that you work with a local dealer you can trust. Always obtain a list of references from previous clients.
Using untrained and unqualified installers to cut costs.
Shopping for floor coverings differs from other home decor items like sofas, lights, or tables. When you get a couch, it’s just a matter of bringing it home and putting it in your living room; there’s no need to “install” the sofa. You have to install floor covering; it is literally “manufactured” in your home. Therefore, when you buy floor covering, you purchase two things: the floor covering itself and its installation.
Sadly, some unethical dealers are trying to cut corners by hiring “cheaper” labor for installations. This is how it works, unfortunately:
They offer super low prices or ridiculously discounted “specials” to lure people into their store. All of their overhead remains the same, such as rent, utilities, and their cost for the floor covering – none of which can be reduced. So, how do they “pay” for the super-discounted prices? They don’t; instead, they make you pay by hiring cut-rate, untrained, unqualified installers. The most frustrating part is that you only realize it once the installers show up at your door.
Some common problems encountered with unqualified and untrained installers include the following:
- They showed up late or not at all, demonstrating a lack of professionalism.
- They need to be trained in providing excellent customer service, as they are often rude or do not communicate well with the homeowner.
- Since they are underpaid, they must rush through the job and hurry on to the next in order to complete as many jobs as possible.
- Damage to floor coverings.
- Damage to your home.
- Use low-quality supplies.
- Take shortcuts to get the job done more quickly.
High turnover installers.
Another significant issue is the high turnover rate, since these “discount,” “Bargain Corral,” or “Mega-Depot” dealers are unable to pay a fair salary, causing installers to quit constantly. In the desperate rush to find competent installers who will agree to work for “peanuts,” training, customer service, and criminal background checks are not done correctly. This is terrible news for consumers.
At Creative Carpet & Flooring, we only use trained, professional, and highly qualified installers who are paid competitively according to industry standards. Some of our installers have been with us for over 20 years.
Making false or misleading statements.
This happens when a “salesperson” claims a carpet is “stain-proof.” Although modern science has enabled us to create carpets that are incredibly resistant to stains, we have yet to reach a point where we can make carpets completely “stain-proof.” Consequently, none of the manufacturers’ warranties claim to be “stain proof”; they all state that the product is “stain resistant.”
If you hear a salesperson call any carpeting “stain-proof,” they either lack training or are being unethical. The truth is, the carpeting is not actually “stain-proof” but is warranted against staining and covers only certain types of stains. Furthermore, the warranty may be prorated, and you may have to pay for labor yourself.
Misleading promises such as “invisible seams” are unfortunately still commonplace.
Here’s a rule of thumb for seams: short pile or “looped” carpeting tend to show seams more than deep or “cut” pile carpets. Dishonest or incompetent salespeople may promise “invisible seams” for short or loop pile carpeting to make a sale. However, after installation, you may discover that they were not truthful.
A competent and ethical dealer will honestly assess the visibility level of seams for the different styles you are considering. That way, you can make an educated decision before installation.
Not honoring their warranty.
Warranties protect you in three ways:
- Defect Warranty. Even the most reputable manufacturers sometimes send out a product with a defect. The mark of a quality company is not that they never make mistakes but that they replace the product at no cost to the client. This is known as the “defect warranty,” which will safeguard you if an issue arises. No matter what you’re buying (toaster, TV, computer, floor covering, etc.), any honest, ethical company will replace or fix it if it is defective. This is just plain old-fashioned business decency, and it is how Creative Carpet & Flooring operates.
- Installation warranty. You have to install floor covering, meaning it is “manufactured” in one’s home. No two installations are the same, as it is a complicated process that requires a lot of training. Installers are humans, and due to the complexity of floor installations, even the most experienced installers can make mistakes. However, you should not have to pay for any errors. The installation warranty protects you in case of any mistakes made during installation.
- Stain Warranty. Stain warranties act like an “insurance policy” if you accidentally spill something on your carpet that won’t come out. There are various levels of stain warranties. A typical warranty might last five years, but many stores offer the option to purchase 10-year, 15-year, and even lifetime warranties.
Warranties are essential! We believe in offering warranties on all our products, and we strongly recommend that you never purchase floor coverings without a written warranty.
WARNING: Unethical “discount” dealers may offer a warranty to entice customers to buy, but they will refuse to honor the warranty if a problem arises.
The “Delay Game.”
You purchased a laminate floor from a dealer, and several weeks after installation, you noticed that the joints were coming apart. You called the dealer, and the following happened.
- Despite your persistent attempts to reach them, they don’t respond to your phone calls or messages.
- After getting hold of a manager, they make an appointment to “inspect” the floor but never show up.
- They ignore your follow-up calls.
- After many missed or delayed appointments, they finally inspect the floor and promise to get back to you, but never do.
- They say it’s a “manufacturing problem,” so you call the manufacturer, and they say it’s an “installation problem.” For weeks, they pass the buck back and forth.
- They offer to send you a few hundred dollars to make you go away, but you refuse.
- They begrudgingly agreed to replace the floor at no charge, but the installers never showed up.
- The installers finally arrive, but inform you that the cost to “reinstall” will be $500. You tell them the dealer said it would be “no charge,” but they refuse to do the work without payment. This causes more delays and more stress.
Visit and look under “Carpet & Tile Stores” to see real-life examples of the “Delay Game.”
Continuing the “Delay Game.”
This process typically drags on for weeks or months, all the while your expensive floor is not getting fixed. Keep in mind that this is done deliberately. You see, unethical, bait-and-switch “discount” dealers know ahead of time that because of their low price, they cannot afford to honor their warranties. So, they play a numbers game. If they receive ten warranty claims in a month, they know that if they play the “Delay Game” long enough, eight of the customers will give up and go away. Therefore, they only have to pay for two warranties – not a terrible deal for them.
The “Delay Game” is incredibly frustrating when played by the big-box “Mega-Depots.” These stores have multiple layers of bureaucracy and lots of lawyers, making it a hair-pulling nightmare to get them to honor a simple agreement – almost like dealing with the federal government.
Finally, in desperation, you hire an attorney (spending more money from your pocket) and force them to honor the warranty you paid for, and you get your floor fixed. (Hopefully, they get it right this time. Otherwise, you have to play the “Delay Game” again!)
In this case, did the warranty protect you? Well, in a way, it did, as you eventually got your floor fixed. But what a nightmare! Wouldn’t it be better to work with a local, honest dealer that stands behind their warranties out of ethical principles rather than legal threats? This is why it is essential to work with a trustworthy, local, and reputable company. Always request a list of references from previous clients; references are the only way to ensure that you are dealing with an honest company. If they refuse to provide references, find another store – period.
Shop your local specialty store.
If you’re looking for a flooring upgrade, it is worth visiting your local specialty store. They can offer you a variety of selections, expertise on the product, quality installation, and value for money. Researching where to shop can take time and effort. Of course, we’d love you to visit us at Creative Carpet & Flooring in Mokena, IL, or Highland, IN. But before deciding on any store, it is advisable to gather opinions and feedback from trusted people, such as family, friends, and neighbors. Additionally, it is essential to check reviews and ratings on reliable websites such as Google or Yelp before finalizing your choice. These stores thrive on customer satisfaction, so take some time to find the ideal flooring store when Googling “carpeting near me” and be aware of predatory sales tactics.