Meet Brian Berson, Flooring Consultant at Creative Carpet & Flooring in Mokena, Illinois

Q: How would you sum up your work?
A: As a professional, I strive to deliver the best possible customer experience. In particular, I make sure that shoppers have an enjoyable and hassle-free journey when shopping with me. Above all, my goal is to provide five-star service and ensure that customers leave my store feeling satisfied.
Q: If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would be it and why?
A: If I had a chance to experience life from someone else’s perspective for a day, I would choose my twelve-year-old daughter. She has the luxury of having no worries, and her sole mission is to enjoy life.
Q: How have you grown professionally while working with us?
A: Working for Mark Sr and his team has been an invaluable experience for me professionally. As a result, I have learned the importance of organization and precision in my work, and I have been able to apply those values to my own projects. Additionally, through working with Mark Sr, I have gained a greater appreciation for the quality and reputation he has established for our organization, which drives me to continue striving to do better work.
Q: What is your favorite destination, and why?
A: My favorite destination is Tennessee due to its welcoming atmosphere and leisurely pace. Therefore, it’s the ideal place to unwind and de-stress.
Q: In the company, who inspires you the most?
A: At work, I am deeply inspired by Mark Jr. In truth, he is the most incredible person I have ever encountered and always sets a great example for everyone.
Q: Where is your hometown?
A: Bolingbrook, Illinois
Q:  What is your favorite flooring?
A: Stanton Carpet’s Brightwater in Metal
Stanton Carpet's Brightwater in Metal

Stanton Carpet’s Brightwater in Metal

Q:  What is a flooring that you have in your own home?
Mohawk's Ideal Outlook in Dignified

Mohawk’s Ideal Outlook in Dignified

A: In my traditional four-bedroom home, I used Mohawk’s carpet Ideal Outlook in the color Dignified. We chose this carpet for its beautiful finish, sleek appearance, and luxurious feel. Because the fiber is Mohawk’s SmartStrand system, the carpet is very easy to clean and resists all the pet stains my Goldador can throw at it. It always amazes me when I think the carpet is ruined, and then the stain comes right out. I have it installed in all the bedrooms, hallway, and stairs. Not only does it clean well, but it is very durable and, most of all, cost-effective for what it is. The kind of carpet that checks all the boxes! I could not be happier!

Brian has been in the flooring industry for a long time and is very knowledgeable. As a result, he has acquired much expertise through his years of experience in this area. Brian began his flooring journey in 1992 with his father, who owned a flooring store on the North Shore. As a result, Brian prides himself on his extensive flooring industry knowledge and takes every opportunity to show it off. Brian keeps himself at the forefront of design trends. Consequently, this has enabled him to provide the best flooring options for residential and commercial clients with their individual project needs in mind. So, make sure you visit Brian Berson in our Mokena, Illinois, showroom for a one-of-a-kind shopping experience and the highest quality customer service.