Help MorningStar Mission’s Women & Family Center
Can you help out with some items for the MorningStar Mission’s Women and Family Center in Joliet, Illinois?
Deliver Hunger Relief to People in Our Community
To help our community with this spike in hunger and food insecurity due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are collecting non-perishable food donations.
Vinyl Flooring of Today and the Benefits
Today’s vinyl flooring Isn’t what you remember from the 70’s. In a variety of colors and styles, many vinyl floors offer the look of ceramic, stone or wood.
Father’s Day and Creative Carpet & Flooring
With Father’s Day right around the corner, we thought it would be fun for the Creative Carpet & Flooring family to share Father’s Day with you!
New Flooring Styles for Spring with Shaw Floors
Discover coastal vibes with Shaw Floors’ Islander tiles & the soft feel of Natural Boucle. Explore spill-proof options & timeless styles!
Local Community Support and How You Can Help
To stay a community-minded business, we need to be engaged and supportive. Giving back doesn’t just help those we’re working to benefit…
Everything You Want to Know About Paying It Forward
Creative Carpet & Flooring is a Christian family locally owned business that wants to help your 501(c)(3) organization rasie money.
Our Favorite Green or Red Flooring
Just for fun during the Christmas holiday, we’ve compiled a small list of some of our favorite red and green colored flooring!
How to Organize Your Flooring Project
Ready for a flooring project? Save costs, prioritize needs, and get inspired with our tips. Visit us for expert guidance!
Family Time on the Floor is Time Well Spent
Family Floor time helps open communication with each other can help expand that engagement and connection…