4 Tips for a Smooth Flooring Installation
Ensure a smooth flooring installation with these 4 tips: plan for furniture, painting, floor removal, and door clearances.
Outdoor Carpet and Rugs to Warm Outside Your Home
No need to wait for the summer sun… add a touch of warmth on the outside of your home with outdoor carpet and area rugs.
A few little tips for keeping your carpet clean
Here are a few little tips for keeping your carpet clean and some additional recommendations from Creative Carpet & Flooring.
Cleaning Your Carpets & Refinishing Hardwood: Debunking Myths
Discover the truth about cleaning your carpets and refinishing hardwood floors. Learn why DIY might not be the best option.
Why not shop at a big-box or liquidator store?
Flooring store information from experts. Get advice on choosing the best quality product and installation services at the best price.
New Carpet Off-Gassing and VOCs
There are numerous household products off-gassing, releasing VOCs and other chemicals into our homes from floor to ceiling… literally.
Shaw Lifeproof flooring for Your Entire Home
Lifeproof your home with carpet backed with LifeGuard waterproof backing, or get the waterproof look of hardwood with Floorté vinyl.
Waterproof Carpeting – Shaw Lifeguard Carpet
Ready to meet your new favorite waterproof carpeting? Get “backed by Blue” and protect the investment you make in your home.
Carpet Store Secrets: Finding Quality Flooring Professionals
Before you head out to the carpet store, read these 5 questions and tips to help you get the best prices and highest quality flooring.
How to Organize Your Flooring Project
Ready for a flooring project? Save costs, prioritize needs, and get inspired with our tips. Visit us for expert guidance!